Friday, February 4, 2011

CSULB Alumni Designer, Lisa Jn Marie, Paves the Way

Myself in a Jn Marie one-of-a-kind

   ::MY DESIGNER & I:: It was my second semester as a freshman at CSULB in 2007 when I first met Lisa Jn Marie. Being a junior in college at the time, she asked if I would help model some of her garments for the fashion department's annual fashion show - Campus Couture. After a few fittings and a sense of her style of designing, I became more than happy to help bring her garments to life. It was from that moment and on that I had the opportunity to not only witness this St. Lician native expand on her craft but also understand, as well as befriend, the passionate and well-driven individual behind the designs.

Models in Jn Marie at local Los Angeles events


        ::LOOSE THREADS:: Although being notable for her constant tardiness during her final year of college, Lisa Jn Marie still shown her fashion design teachers her passion behind her designs. In fact, one of the most demanding and analytical teachers said to Lisa, "If I believe anyone is going to make it, it is you." With those words of inspiration, Jn Marie continued to eagerly persue the fashion industry by networking with various models, hosts, coordinators and designers and participating in Los Angeles events and fashion shows. I had the pleasure, as well as CSULB alumni Tiffany Belle, to model in her beautiful garments at a few of these events. Fashion shows, Oscar gifting suites and Beverly Hills mansion parties were a few of these events Jn Marie had her designs invited to be displayed.
Actors of Voyages in costumes made by Jn Marie
         ::MAKING ENDS MEET:: Something Jn Marie is looking forward to is becoming the head costume designer of a new show being debuted to various cable networks called Voyages, based upon Ancient Greece. If the show does well and one of the cable networks pick up on it, Lisa will be preparing costumes for all the actors in the show. Another area of design Lisa is proud to have made a great profit in is creating high end wedding dresses for future brides. You can check out Jn Marie designs at


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